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Productivity Commission draft Data Availability and Use report
10th October, 2016 - 5:45PMA ground breaking report by Productivity Commission's chair Peter Harris positions Australia to move forward in Data Availability and Use for Public Good purposes.
Science article A federated ecosystem for sharing Genomic Clinical Data
25th August, 2016 - 6:59PMNeed to promote the benefits from increased secure data access and approved use by researchers, policy analysts and clinicians making comparisons across data from millions of individuals.
Integrated Data - Better Data Better Lives
17th August, 2016 - 6:32PMExcellent video from Statistics NZ describing to the public in an engaging manner the use of information & data integration and the insights gained that benefit & improve society through improved planning and investment for more effective public services.
Prof Andrew Morris, Scottish Chief Scientist, Improved Healthcare underpinned by routine data linkage and health informatics
6th March, 2016 - 10:00AMVideo of Prof Andrew Morris's talk in Adelaide, 8th May 2015, Friday SAHMRI Scientific Seminar and SA NT DataLink Researcher Conversation event,